package cz.jezek.lab11; public class StreamMain { public static void main(String[] args) { Tournament tournament = Tournament.generate(); printStatAboutTournament(tournament); saveTournament(tournament); loadTournament(); } public static void printStatAboutTournament(Tournament tournament) { System.out.println(tournament); Player player = tournament.getRandomPlayer(); System.out.println(player); System.out.print("Number of matches: "); //TODO 3.a Show the number of matches played by a given player (using Streams) System.out.print("Goals scored: "); //TODO 3.b Show the number of goals scored by a given player (help Streams) Oponents oponents = new Oponents(tournament.getRandomPlayer(), tournament.getRandomPlayer()); System.out.println("Mutual statistics of oponents:" + oponents); System.out.print("Matches: "); //TODO 4.a List the matches played between the given players (using the stream) System.out.print("Number of mathes: "); //TODO 4.b Print the number of matches played between the given players (using the stream) System.out.print("Match with the largest total number:"); //TODO 4.c Show match with the largest total number (sum of both players) scored goals between relevant players (help Streams) } public static void loadTournament() { //TODO 5.b Load a serialized tournament from a file } public static void saveTournament(Tournament tournament) { //TODO 5.a Save the tournament to a file using object serialization. } }